St. Helen's Church, Hangleton

Hangleton Way/Downsview, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 8ER
Map link

Listed Grade II, St Helen's has parts variously dated to Late Saxon to Early Norman, It does not feature in Domesday, but certainly was in existence by 1093. The Tower was added c. 1300 along with a re-modelling of the Chancel. The decline of the village after the black death in the mid 14th century to a population of less than 100 which level remained until the 20th century was probably responsible for saving St Helen's from the Victorian 'restorers'. Today much of the medieval fabric remains, the inside having more changes to make a living building more suitable for today's worship, while retaining a few original features. Much repair and restoration has been done in recent years, the 1960s north vestry has flint walls to match the original construction materials. After water damage in the 1950s, several layers of medieval wall paintings being uncovered and stabilized. 


  • Thursday 10 September: 1000 - 1600
  • Friday 11 September: 1000 - 1600
  • Saturday 12 September: 1000 - 1600
  • Sunday 13 September: 1000 - 1600

Booking information
No booking required

Organised by
St Helen's, Hangleton and The Regency Town House
See our other Heritage Open Days listings