15 Dec 1856?

[In folded sheet and marked:] Letters & Papers about dear Malcolm.  To be returned to my sisters or to my nephew Raymond Dewar [and signed] S. Bevan

Monday 15th

My dearest Mama,
Very many thanks for your two letters. I was very sorry indeed to hear of poor little Robin’s death, as when I saw him last I thought him such a very nice little fellow.  I have been trying to think of the texts you wrote in his Bible but have not been able to do so: I am afraid from your account that he must have suffered a great deal of pain, though how he could have got fever in the Black Sea in winter puzzles me rather, unless it was low fever.  But it must have been a great comfort to Mr and Mrs Dewar to know that his Captain was so kind to him and that he did so happily. I have not time for more as I have got to go to my coach,

Ever your affect son,


RAB [Richard Alexander Bevan?]